The Kingdom Principle of sowing and reaping is evident in every aspect of creation, both the physical and the spiritual.
While most people easily recognize the physical function and purpose of seeds, they completely ignore the significance of spiritual seeds.
To introduce this complex topic, I’ve shared a video from one of my favorite Charis Bible College instructors, Barry Bennett.
In the video below, Barry talks about the principle of the seed and how this works in the Kingdom. He begins by talking about physical seed and quickly moves to spiritual truths.
Everything is seed.
Within us, every thought is a seed thought.
Every word is a seed word.
Every expression is a seed; body language is seed.
Every action is seed.
Everything we do in life, we are sowing something.
We are sowing from the way we think, the way we speak, the way we act.
All of those things are seeds.And that’s how the Kingdom of God works.
That’s also how the power of darkness works.
Every seed carries within it the nature of it’s source.”
– Barry Bennett
Let’s start with your heart.
Is your heart full of fear and worry or is it full of the Word of God?
“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.” Matthew 12:35 NLT
Are you cursing your seed by saying ‘I only have…’? Or do you thank God for what you have so He can bless the work of your hands?
When Jesus and his disciples were facing a hungry crowd (see Matthew 14:13-21), the disciples complained that they didn’t have enough to give the people, saying “We have here only five loaves and two fish.” ( Matthew 14:17 NASB).
Jesus didn’t view the situation the same way. Instead He gave thanks and the food was multiplied!
Ordering the people to sit down on the grass, He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up toward heaven, He blessed the food, and breaking the loaves He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds, and they all ate and were satisfied. They picked up what was left over of the broken pieces, twelve full baskets.
Matthew 14:19-20 NASB
Can you see the potential around you?
Are your motives pure?
Do you desire to serve your audience?
This principle is the basis for every successful digital marketing strategy.
As you write relevant, valuable blog posts or send informative emails, you are sowing into the lives of your readers.
What is the nature of the content you are sowing? Are you sowing to serve your reader’s needs?
Are you sowing encouragement, love, joy, peace?
Or are you sowing anger, contention, bitterness?
I would suggest that content marketing is a perfect example of sowing and reaping.
What specific strategies fall under the umbrella of content marketing?
In each of these strategies, you are sowing into the lives of your readers.
If you are meeting their needs by providing useful, valuable, relevant content, you will earn their trust.
Trust becomes relationship.
Relationship becomes influence.
You are called to influence the world to further the Kingdom.
What seeds are you sowing today?
And finally – you are blessed to be a blessing. You can further the Kingdom by reaching people online. Stay tuned and we’ll show you how.Save
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View Comments
Thank you for your article on sowing and reaping in the kingdom. I am hungry to learn all about how the kingdom operates. I agree with all you wrote about our actions sowing. Thank you.