Why You Should Learn to Repurpose Your Existing Video Content

Do you create videos regularly? Do you know how to repurpose video content?

There are many outstanding businesses and ministries that limit the reach of their audience because they do not know how to repurpose video content effectively.

Yours might be one of them.

The problem is not that you don’t have content available. If you teach weekly sermons, you have LOTS of content available to repurpose. If you produce a podcast, you have content that can be repurposed.

The problem is recognizing that you can easily make that content available to your audience in a media format that works best for Them.

If you are interested in online marketing, then your primary goal should be to drive traffic to your website. Or, if you prefer, to attract an audience to your website.

Once a visitor arrives at your website, you will keep them there longer if your content is accessible in a format they prefer.

There are at least seven documented learning styles

We know that there are multiple learning styles. Learning Styles Online provides an overview of 7 Learning Styles:


  • Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
  • Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
  • Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
  • Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
  • Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
  • Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
  • Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

To aid visual learners, they also provided this infographic:

When you have great information, others will want to share it and talk about it. The article cited above was then used to create this more detailed infographic:

I found this infographic at Edudemic.com, but Bluemango created the image from the article at Learning Styles Online.  Whew. [That’s a lot of citations, but I wanted to demonstrate how your content might be shared by others.]

Okay, back to how this relates to repurposing content …

There are four primary ways to consume content online:

  1. Text. The text in your articles or blog posts appeals to Verbal Learners and probably Logical Learners (depending on how you format it).
  2. Images. Attractive images can appeal to Visual Learners. When you use infographics you can appeal to Visual and Logical Learners.
  3. Video. This format can appeal to Visual, Aural, and Verbal Learners.
  4. Audio. This format is most attractive to Aural and Verbal Learners.

Many of us prefer different formats based on the type of content being delivered.

For instance, while I enjoy listening to a fiction book in audio format when doing chores or driving, I don’t like to listen to non-fiction. I prefer to read non-fiction so I can better absorb the information. I usually highlight relevant passages and save quotes to reference later. I can’t do that with an audio.

Given a choice between watching a class or listening to it, I prefer to watch it. Some information is better communicated with visuals or body language.

How about you? Maybe your preferences are the opposite of mine. Not a problem. It’s good to recognize multiple format preferences. That’s why it’s so important to deliver our content in as many formats as possible.

Why is it so important to provide text? Why not just share a link to the video itself?

Short answer: Because many people won’t take time to watch your video without a compelling reason to do so.

There are several businesses and ministries that I follow on YouTube. But without knowing more about individual videos, I rarely take time to watch them. I just don’t have the time.

Now, if they would publish a blog post – with skimmable text – I may discover that I would benefit greatly from watching it. But I need to be convinced.

How many of your potential readers in your audience feel the same way?

How to repurpose video content

I don’t have any original videos to share, so I am using someone else’s video for this example. Barry Bennett taught at the AWMI Summer Family Bible Conference and the video was streamed live on YouTube.

YouTube makes it easy to embed a video, whether it belongs to you or someone else. Just remember to give credit & link to the original author. Please. Never claim credit for something you did not create.

Without a transcript, the simplest way to provide a text description for a video is to provide time stamps for key quotes or ideas. If you have the resources to rewrite these notes into formal headings, subheadings, and paragraphs that would be even better.

Today, I don’t have time to rewrite the prose, so instead I’ll identify the key ideas as h2 headings or I’ll simply format key ideas with bold text.

Choose 2 or 3 quotes to be used in sharable images.

The dimensions for the images you choose will depend on the social channels you are targeting. For simplicity, I prefer to use images that are 1080 x 1080 pixels. That is ideal for Instagram, but also looks great on Facebook and Pinterest. I’ll include a tall, narrow image in this post that would work well for Pinterest.

After you’ve completed your blog post, you’ll share a link in your email newsletter.

A simple video repurposing checklist looks like this:

  1. Convert video to text format.
  2. Write blog post from transcription or notes.
  3. Embed your video into your blog post.
  4. If applicable, create audio file from the video (I skipped this step for this example.)
  5. Embed audio into blog post.
  6. Create shareable images.
  7. Insert images into post.
  8. Insert ‘tweetable quote’ if applicable.
  9. Optimize for SEO
  10. Send email
  11. Post to social media channels.

The next segment of this blog post is an example of what you could do with your videos to reach a larger audience.

[This is where you write a great intro pulling readers further into your content. Sorry. Didn’t happen in this example.]

Here are the key ideas:

Mark 4:35 – 38 “Master, don’t you care that we’re perishing?”

Do you get offended at God? Have you ever wondered if God cares about you?

“God, don’t you care …?”

offense is a powerful thing = strife

James 3:14-16

[46:44] “Strife in your heart is like a kink in a garden hose. The water of grace quits flowing when there is strife in your heart.”

[47:04] Mark 4:39-40

[47:30] “Unbelief is the root of your fear which is the root of the offense in your heart. Unbelief is the birthplace of strife and offense.”

[50:21] “People get offended when you tell them the Bible is God’s Word.

Why? Because they have come to a place, in their life, of unbelief. Based upon experience which … has become the Golden Calf of Experience. They choose to worship Experience instead of God. Therefore [they decide that] God is not God. He is not who he says he is. So we project that onto Him. Don’t you Care? We get offended. Strife becomes a major part of our life. And the grace of God, like the hose, gets kinked and quits flowing into our lives.”

[51:10] “I realized that when I’m offended, what I’m revealing is that I am in a place of unbelief… Somewhere in my life I am not trusting in the true nature of God and I’m allowing the circumstance to offend me.”

[53:00] Act 16:22-26 Paul and Silas thrown into prison, yet instead of taking offense, they prayed and worshiped God. And the prison doors were opened.

[58:05] Psalm 67:5-6  “The ‘Don’t you care’ attitude doesn’t release the favor of God in your circumstances… Praise Him, and thank Him, and give Him glory; Then shall the earth yield its increase and God will bless you.”

[59:58] “You can’t be thankful in unbelief.”

[1:00:08] “Thankfulness is a place of faith. Praise is a place of faith where you’ve transcended what’s going on. You refuse to be in strife. You refuse to get offended… It’s a choice that we make so we don’t slip back into unbelief.”

[1:00:45] “Every evil work is released when you are in a place of strife.”

[1:01:21] “Let me ask you a question… If God delivered you right now from every single challenge in your life – if your healing manifested right now; if your bills were all paid plus ten times more, right now; if your marriage got 100 times better, right now; and if all your kids came to the Lord and were blessing God, right now; if butterflies and rainbows popped out right now – would you praise God then? Why don’t you go ahead and start now?

If you’re if faith, you’ll start now. If you’re in unbelief, you’ll wait.”

[1:02:38] “Quit blaming God. ‘Don’t you care?’ Yes, He cares. That’s why He came.”

[1:02:54] Three things to think about when we’re considering strife with God or offense against God… Things you need to consider to determine if you are in faith or unbelief.

First, if you’re in this place of strife with God … or if you’re blaming God or wondering where God is in your situation, you have a wrong image of God. There’s something that hasn’t been revealed to you on the level of truth that will set you free.”

[1:03:34] “Identify the real problem. It isn’t God.”

2Peter 1:2-3 … “the problem is knowledge or lack thereof” continuing in 2Peter 1:4 … “You are already equipped. You have a wrong view of God.”

[1:06:20] “Number two: Change what you see on the inside of you.”

… Matthew 12 a good man our of the treasure of his heart brings forth good things … what’s in your heart? … Proverbs guard your heart …

[1:07:06] “Proverbs 23:7 As he thinks in his heart, so is he … What’s in your heart? What’s your image of you? Because the image you carry inside is what you’re projecting into your circumstances and into your world. And when you’re running to God saying ‘Don’t you care?’, that’s because you see yourself as a victim. You’re not seeing yourself as more than a conqueror, you’re not seeing yourself as an overcomer, you don’t believe that He actually gave you all the promises that you can be a partaker of His divine nature. You may say you believe it … but.

[1:08:32] “What’s in my heart – how I see myself – is going to be my future.

Because out of the abundance of my heart – out of the abundance of the image that I have inside of me – I’m going to bring forth… The more I meditate on God’s Word and on the promises of who I am, the more I begin to see myself … I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am seated with Him … I don’t pray from down here. I pray from up there. I pray down on the problems. I have to see that. I see myself as confident.”

[1:10:18] “I chose to see myself the way God sees me.”

Do you have a wrong image of yourself?

[1:12:15] “There are divine things in you that other people need but because of fear and unbelief you’re not letting them out. There is healing in you for someone else but because of fear and not having confidence and unbelief you’re not bringing it forth, so some people are going around without their healing because you’ve trapped it on the inside of you”

[1:13:12] “How can you tell if you’re not in communion with the Lord? … You are emotionally sensitive and often in a bad mood. You’re critical. You see yourself as a victim. You’re bored or depressed. You see no increase in your life. You aren’t teachable.”

[1:14:42] “We need to come to a place, folks, where praise is the beginning of our day. Thanksgiving. Just choosing to rejoice. Waking up, praise God I have a roof over my head. And if you don’t have a roof over your head, then praise God you have heaven over your head. And praise God you have clothes to wear and praise God and thank God for every breath that you breathe and the water that you drink and the food that you eat.

Just be thankful and just begin to worship and be thankful to Him. Then shall the earth give its increase and God will bless you. If you find yourself in the inner prison and your feet in stocks, you don’t say ‘God don’t you care?’ Say, ‘Bless God, I’m going to praise Him no matter what.’ No matter what. And then deliverance will come.”

[1:15:52] “Third, choose what you see on the outside…

What you see is what you get… If you see lack, you’re going to get lack. If you see seed, you’re going to get a harvest. If you see sickness, you’re going to have sickness. If you see health, you’re going to have health… What you choose to see, will either come from your natural eyes and your victim mentality and deflecting the blame on God and that’s going to produce vision, poor vision – or you’re going to see the abundance of the Kingdom of God.

You’re going to choose to see there is an answer for every challenge – exceeding, abundant, more than I can ask or think. You’re going to choose to see a God that’s for you, not against you. You’re going to choose to see whatever your challenges are as seeds of potential. Or you’re going to choose to see the natural. And whatever you see is what you’re going to get.”

[1:17:15] “Jesus chose to see the loaves and fishes not as insufficiency, but as potential. And it was His spiritual vision that caused the multiplication. It wasn’t magic fish and magic bread. It was vision. He chose to see multitudes getting fed with twelve basketfuls left over. He chose to see that.”

[1:18:12] “What you choose to see is what you’re going to get.

This is the key to so many things. … How you see God? … He’s not the problem, He’s the provider… How do you see yourself?”

[1:20:14] “I am praising God and declaring because even if I run into a road bump here and there, I will come out victorious. I have decided that He is Good. He has provided. It’s all ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ and I’m not going to walk in unbelief and get offended. It’s a choice. It’s a decision. Praise God.”

[This is where you insert an amazing recap of your video and a call to action.]

Grow your business with Kingdom Marketing

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And finally – you are blessed to be a blessing. You can further the Kingdom by reaching people online. Stay tuned and we’ll show you how.























Kristine Hall is a co-founder at Kingdom.marketing. Her roles include, but are not limited to: Content Creator, Content Marketing Manager, Designer, Digital Marketing Director, Editor, Instructor, and Researcher.

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